Media Coverage for 2008

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Files are prefixed with the date of posting, i.e. 080911 means 2008 on September 11.   Doing an "alphabetical" list then places the articles in chronological order. The tag "UD" is for Uncommon Descent BLOG, "Discovery" denotes the Discovery Institute, and BLOG denotes one of many other Blogs that have addressed the isssue.

  1. 080103 (Discovery | pdf) Access Research Network Announces Top 10 Darwin & Design News Stories of 2007.
  2. 080110 (Christianity Today | pdf) ID Tagged.
  3. 080128 (Southern Baptist Texan | pdf) Expelled Producer Logan Craft.  
  4. 080128 (Southern Baptist Texan | pdf) Expelled's Robert Marks
  5. 080203 (UD ) EXPELLED in Baptist Press .
  6. 080206 (Dallas Morning News | pdf ) Dembski Marks Featured in 'ID' Film .
  7. 080209 (BLOG | pdf) Baptist Professors Dembski and Marks to be Featured in Ben Stein's Expelled .
  8. 080208 (Anti ID BLOG) The Horowitz Option.
  9. 080214 (Creation Ministries | pdf ) Expelled: New movie exposes persecution of anti-Darwinists.
  10. 080226 (Townhall Magazine | pdf) Evolution's Glass Ceiling .
  11. Podcast (Cached)
  1. 080301 (Coast to Coast | pdf) Evolution's Glass Ceiling (Audio #1 | Audio #2) .
  2. 080304 (Examiner | pdf) America's New Black List .
  3. 080312 (BLOG | pdf ) Expelled! Comments from Southern Baptist Texan.
  4. 080312 (BLOG | pdf ) Expelled! No Intelligence Allowed - now scheduled for April.
  5. 080314 (BLOG | pdf ) Expelled: New movie exposes persecution of anti-Darwinists.                                             
  6. 080318 (Limbaugh | pdf ) Ben Stein' s Film Blew Rush Away (audio .  
  7. 080325 (BLOG) Dealing With Design .
  8. 080331 (UD) Baylor … going gently into that good night? .
  9. 080403 (Baptist Press | pdf) Dembski: 'Expelled' exposes hypocrisy .
  10. 080405 (UD) Expelled: “Denormalizing” the Darwin thugs .
  11. 080405 (World Magazine | pdf) A Campus Divided .
  12. 080407 (UD) Expelled: “Denormalizing” the accountability gap at Baylor .
  13. 080407 (Negative BLOG) At least we made one guy laugh .  
  14. 980410 Expelled Exposed [ 1 | 2 ] .
  15. 080411 (UD) Expelled - and Baylor’s passion for Darwin - 4 .
  16. 080412 (BLOG) Expelled .
  17. 080415 (Discovery) The NCSE Exposed: Clunky Attack on “Expelled” Reveals More Than Intended .
  18. 080415 (Summit) Expelled, the Movie Academic Freedom in Jeopardy .
  19. 080417 (Discovery) Expelled World Premier
  20. 080418 (Negative Blog ) Expulsion Revulsion .   
  21. 080418 (Negative Blog ) Expelled: Anyone Listening? Anyone? Anyone? .  
  22. 080418_(Waco Tribune | pdf)  “Expelled” muddled mish-mash
  23. 080419 (Tribune) Baylor officials among those demonized in 'Expelled' 
  24. 080419 (Tribune) Same, but "demonized" replaced by "attacked"
  25. 080419 (Tribune) Comments on the review above
  26. 080420 ( KVAL | pdf ) Review: 'Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed' bites down hard .
  27. 080422 (Lariat | pdf) 'Expelled' encourages intelligent design discussion, Chen says 
  28. 080422 (Lariat | pdf) Obviously not objective, 'Expelled' explores academic freedom .  .
  29. 080415 Expelled Trailer   Download the trailer by clicking HERE.
  30. 080415 Expelled Trailer Photos [ 1 | 2 | 3
  31. 080418 (Waco Trib | pdf) “Expelled” muddled mish-mash 
  32. 080420 (Politics LA) E Mail Letter .
  33. 080421 (Negative BLOG) The Propaganda Arm of the Intelligent Design Movement
  34. 080422 (Lariat | pdf) 'Expelled' encourages intelligent design discussion, Chen says .   . 
  35. 080423 (Catholic News Service) Expelled No Intelligence Allowed . 
  36. 080423 (Notes from a Retired Preacher | pdf ) BaylorRejectsIntelligentDesign .
  37. 080423 (Dakota Voice ) Thoughts on Expelled
  38. 080424 (JBS | pdf) Allow Intelligence! .
  39. 080425 (Mindful Hack) Things we know but cannot prove - another nail in the coffin of materialism .
  40. 080425 (Mindful Hack) The fours be with you! ... and double cream, half sugar, please
  41. 080426 (California Catholic Daily) Talk About Movies: “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” .
  42. 080427 (Morning Telegrapher | pdf) Need To See .
  43. 0804 Glenn Beck interview 
  44. 080429 (Waco Trib | pdf) Battling academic elites for the universe: Q&A with 'Expelled' producer Mark Mathis .
  45. 080429 (Waco Trib | pdf ) Film puts Baylor dust-up over intelligent design in the cinematic limelight .
  46. 080430 (UD) Expelled at Baylor: Local reaction to film varies .
  47. 080501 (California Republic) E xpelled: No Intelligence Allowed: Reviewing the Philosophical Issues .
  48. 080502 (BLOG) Expelled: A Commentary On The Culture .
  49. 080503 (IMDb) Filmography .
  50. 080503 (UD | Attachment ) Baylor Prez Spins Expelled Worries: The God of the Bible is the God of the genome … but not of the Evolutionary Informatics Lab .
  51. 080505 (BLOG) Baylor And Gomorrah . [ A response to the previous BLOG]
  52. 080505 (Expelled Exposed) Robert Marks - [Negative Blog] .   
  53. 080508  (The Chicago Daily Observer) The Great Debate…at a Theatre Near You!  
  54. 080510  (BLOG) Go See It .
  55. 080510 Here's why Wikipedia cannot be trusted in controversial areas.  [My Bio | An Accumulation of Amusing Misinformation].
  56. 080520 ID Rockumentary .
  57. 080520 (BLOG) Too Conservative .
  58. 080714 (ChristianAnswers) Expelled: No Intelligence allowed.
  59. 080724 (UD) Baylor President Lilley Fired .
  60. 080724 (Houston Chronicle | pdf) Citing lost confidence, Baylor regents fire president .
  61. 080724 (BLOG) Baylor University Fires President John M. Lilley
  62. 080725  (Atheist Blog | pdf) Baylor University President John M. Lilley Fired .
  63. 080726  (BLOG) Intelligent design watcher .
  64. 080727 (UD) Yes, it’s true! The ID Taliban brought about Baylor Prez Lilley’s downfall ,    
  65. 080813 (Examiner | pdf )_Americas New Blacklist .
  66. 081004 (pdf | 2) Amazon    
  67. 081019 (pdf) Fanbolt   
  68. 081104 (pdf | English translation) Intelligent Design is ‘Streng verboten!’ 
  69. 081115 (BLOG) Stein's "Expelled" and Baylor University .    .
  70. Next

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