Media Coverage for 2014

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Files are prefixed with the date of posting, i.e. 080911 means 2008 on September 11.   Doing an "alphabetical" list then places the articles in chronological order. The tag "UD" is for Uncommon Descent BLOG, "Discovery" denotes the Discovery Institute, and BLOG denotes one of many other Blogs that have addressed the isssue.

  1. 140101 ( Biomedical Information: New Perspectives web site
  2. 140118 (Biologic Institute | Cache) Ann Gauger, "Intelligent Design Research: BIO-Complexity 2013"
  3. 140123 (Blog | Cache) Jason B. Ladd, ``Elegant Biology: New Perspectives For Your Information'' .
  4. 140202 ( Best Schools | cache) The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today

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