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  1. 001017 (Baylor | pdf) An excerpt from Baylor's report on the dissolution of the Polanyi Center.  
  2. 070720 (Discovery) Casey Luskin interviews Robert Marks.
  3. 070720 (Discovery) Podcast (MP3)
  4. 070825 (World Magazine) Crisis Averted [pdf].
  5. 070905 (Discovery) Academic Freedom Expelled from Baylor University
  6. 070905 (Baptist Press) I.D. rift hits Baylor again.
  7. 070906 (Discovery) Baylor University Denies Research Scientist's Academic Freedom
  8. 070907 (Discovery) Baylor University Attacks Scientists for Questioning Evolution
  9. 070907 (Discovery) Podcast (MP3 file)
  10. 070909 (Waco Tribune | pdf) Web site sparks new intelligent design battle at BU.
  11. 070909 (UD) The Great Escape: A tribute to Bob Marks [pdf
  12. 070909 (Discovery) Baylor University Accused of Viewpoint Discrimination in Suppression of Pro-Intelligent Design Scientist
  13. 070909 (Discovery) ibid.  Inset
  14. 070911 (Baylor Student Newspaper) | pdf) New intelligent design conflict hits BU .
  15. 070914 (Baylor Student Newspaper | pdf) Editorial: BU opens old wounds with Marks
  16. 070915 (World Magazine | pdf ) Not so fast .
  17. 070918 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )   BU administration silencing science by design
  18. 070919 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )   ID debate to continue in new film
  19. 070919 (UD)  “Expelled: The Movie” attempts to interview Baylor President John Lilley
  20. 070919 (UD)  Walt Ruloff op-ed on academic suppression at Baylor — “Does the Baylor administration believe in God?”
  21. 070919 (Discovery) Expelled Filmmakers Want to Talk to Baylor President About University's Crackdown on ID Scientists
  22. 070920 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf ) Editorial: Lilley's two cents are missing
  23. 070920 (UD) “President Lilley has laryngitis”
  24. 070921 (Waco Tribune | pdf ) Film crew presses Baylor officials on intelligent design Web site's removal
  25. 070924 (Waco Tribune | pdf )  Gary Ramsey, guest column: Call it censorship at Baylor
  26. 070925 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )   Baylor betraying its mission
  27. 070928 ( Breakpoint | pdf ) Victims of Scientific Orthodoxy .
  28. 071001 (Texas Insider)  Et Tu, Baylor U?
  29. 071003 (World Net Daily) Darwin challenged, research censored. Christian university removes professor's website, data from public view .
  30. 071007 (Waco Tribune | pdf | Unedited pdf ) John Hugh Gilmore, guest column: Mob rule, not academic freedom, at Baylor.
  31. 071008 (Waco Tribune | pdf ) Darwin As a Sacred Cow.
  32. 071016 (Discovery) Banned Item of the Year.
  33. 071023 (The OReilly Factor) Ben Stein on Expelled
  34. 071116 (Baylor Lariat | Newspaper Layout) BU had role in Dembski return .  . [Note: Stealth = keeping away from the career destroyers and media.  The matter was open at Baylor.]
  36. 080128 (Southern Baptist Texan | pdf) Expelled's Robert Marks.
  37. 080206 (Dallas Morning News | pdf ) Dembski Marks Featured in 'ID' Film .
  38. 080214 (Creation Ministries | pdf ) Expelled: New movie exposes persecution of anti-Darwinists.
  39. 080226 (Townhall Magazine | pdf) Evolution's Glass Ceiling .
  40. 080301 (Coast to Coast | pdf) Evolution's Glass Ceiling (Audio #1 Audio #2) .
  41. 080318 (Limbaugh | pdf ) Ben Stein' s Film Blew Rush Away (audio .
  42. 080415 Expelled Trailer
  43. 080415 Expelled Trailer Photos [ 1 | 2 | 3
  44. 080415 (Discovery) The NCSE Exposed: Clunky Attack on “Expelled” Reveals More Than Intended .
  45. 080422 (Lariat | pdf) 'Expelled' encourages intelligent design discussion, Chen says .   .
  46. 080422 (BLOG) Baylor Rejects Intelligent Design .
  47. 080428 (KCBI FM ) Jerry Johnson Live: Movie “Expelled” Highlights Lack of Academic Freedom at Certain Universities-No Discussion of Intelligent Design Allowed .
  48. 080429 (Waco Trib | pdf) Battling academic elites for the universe: Q&A with 'Expelled' producer Mark Mathis .
  49. 080429 (Waco Trib | pdf ) Film puts Baylor dust-up over intelligent design in the cinematic limelight .
  50. 080502 (Lariat | pdf) Editorial: For BU, year of ups and downs .
  51. 080718 takes preorders for the release of Expelled.
  52. 080714 (ChristianAnswers) Expelled: No Intelligence allowed.
  53. 080724 (UD) Baylor President Lilley Fired .
  54. 100112 (ARN | pdf) 2009 Top Ten Darwin and Design Science News Stories Dembski and Marks were ranked #1.
  55. 100112 ( | pdf) March 2010: The 20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors. Marks is on the list.
  56. 100415 (Waco Trib . | Print . | Print pdf | News.pdf) . Baylor faculty member named one of '20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors'. This is a followup in the Waco Tribune of the 100310 article above.
  57. NEXT

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