Files are prefixed with the date of posting, i.e. 080911 means 2008 on September 11. Doing an "alphabetical" list then places the articles in chronological order. The tag "UD" is for Uncommon Descent BLOG, "Discovery" denotes the Discovery Institute, and BLOG denotes one of many other Blogs that have addressed the isssue.
101012 ( ARN | pdf) 2009 Top Ten Darwin and Design Science News Stories
100117 ( UD | pdf) Top Ten ID Science Stories Of the Year.
100301 ( Disc | PODCAST MP3) Graduate Student Challenges Avida in Scientific Paper .
100302 ( Disc | PODCAST MP3) Darwin as the Pinball Wizard: Talking Probability with Robert Marks .
100304 ( UD) Winston Ewert — With pro-ID grad students like this, Darwinian profs don’t stand a chance .
100309 ( UD) New Peer-Reviewed ID Paper — Deconstructing the Dawkins WEASEL .
100310 ( College Crunch Article| pdf) The 20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors .
100401 ( Dallas Morning News?) Incoming Baylor University President to honor Intelligent Design professor. Make sure to read this to the end .
100401 ( UD) Baylor, Incoming President Kenneth Starr, and Intelligent Design. Make sure to read the "Dallas Morning News?" article above to the end.
100402 ( Free Press) Incoming Baylor University President (Kenneth Starr) to honor Intelligent Design professor . How rumors get started.
100408 ( DI) William Dembski, Robert Marks, and the Evolutionary Informatics Lab Take on Dawkins’ “WEASEL” Simulation in New Peer-Reviewed Paper .
100415 ( Waco Trib . | Print . | Print pdf, News.pdf) . Baylor faculty member named one of '20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors '. This is a followup in the Waco Tribune of the 100310 article above.
100415 ( UD) College Crunch honors Robert Marks for Work on ID More follow-up .
100415 ( WBIR KNOXVILLE) Baylor faculty member named one of '20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors' .
100415 ( Fox 44) Baylor professor receives recognition .
100417 ( Jewish BLOG) The Book of Doctrines and Opinions: notes on Jewish theology and spirituality . .
100501 ( UD) Introducing New ID-Friendly Peer-Reviewed Journal: BIO-Complexity .
100501 ( Disc) BIO-Complexity: A New, Peer-Reviewed Science Journal, Open to the ID Debate .
100506 ( Baptist Press | Print) FIRST-PERSON: Vindication for I.D. at Baylor? by William A. Dembski .
100507 ( UD) Baylor's New President Meets Baylor's New Super-Genius Professor . .
100618 ( UD) EVIDENCE FOR GOD — now shipping!
100805 ( UD | link) Clive Hayden, "Robert Marks: The 'Charles Darwin' of Intelligent Design" .
101215( UD | cache) William A. Dembski, "New Peer-Reviewed Pro-ID Paper in BIO-COMPLEXITY."
101215( Blog | cache) Enézio E. de Almeida Filho, "Uma vivessecção do organismo de computador ev: identificando as fontes de informação ativa"
101216 ( Blog | cache) .New Bio-Complexity Paper
101123 ( DI | cache ) Casey Luskin, "Does Intelligent Design Help Science Generate New Knowledge?"
101223 ( DI | cache) Casey Luskin, "BIO-Complexity Publishes Article Answering Critics Who Promote Tom Schneider's 'ev' Simulation."
101226 ( Blogg | cache), "Creation: Darwinian Evolutionary Frauds Pt. XVII".
101228 ( DI | cache) Casey Luskin, "William Dembski and Robert Marks Publish (Another) Peer-Reviewed Scientific Paper Supporting No Free Lunch Theorems."