Removal of Robert Marks's Web Site: Media
Selected Media Prior to 2007

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Files are prefixed with the date of posting, i.e. 080911 means 2008 on September 11.   Doing an "alphabetical" list then places the articles in chronological order. The tag "UD" is for Uncommon Descent BLOG, "Discovery" denotes the Discovery Institute, and BLOG denotes one of many other Blogs that have addressed the isssue.

  1. 001017 (Baylor) An excerpt from Baylor's report on the dissolution of the Polanyi Center.
  2. 001028 (Creation Ministries | pdf) Baptist school afraid of creation.
  3. 020425 (Creation Ministries | pdf) US Congressional leader castigated for creation comments.
  4. 051219 (Chicago Tribune) Students bridge science, faith at Christian colleges.
  5. 060419 (Baylor Student Paper) Baylor not immune to scholarly feud over origin of life


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