James Arness, Amanda Blake, Dennis Weaver and Milburn Stone were each
nominated for television's Emmy Award for their work in Gunsmoke.
Milburn Stone accepts his Emmy at the 20th annual prime-time telecast
from presenters Sebastian Cabot, Anissa Jones and Johnnie Whitaker
from the TV series A Family Affair. Note: Both Cabot and Whitaker
were guest stars on episodes of Gunsmoke.
Both Dennis Weaver (1959) and Milburn Stone (1968) won.
(Weaver later also was nominated for three Emmies
for his role as McCloud).
- Click HERE for Gunsmoke
Emmy information.
- Click HERE for information
concerning Weaver's award (1959), Hamlet and the Emmies.
- Click HERE for
another picture of Doc's Emmy.