Festus Speak
Speak: Some of the most colorful
language in television spewed forth from the mouth of Festus,
like ``Ain't
no way to git it did than to go out and do
her". Match the following similes and metaphors given birth from the mind
of a Haggen: |
(1) Hoppin' around like |
(a) a weak kitten. |
(2) Plain as |
(b) belly to backbone. |
(3) I couldn't whup |
(c) a mule. |
(4) You couldn't burst |
(d) a flea on a hot skillet |
(5) These spurs will carve you from |
(e) a beetle bug. |
(6) If that don't put you |
(f) last year's haystack. |
(7) The onliest thing you get |
(g) a clod in your shoe. |
(h) a barn rooster on a prime hoot. |
(8) This here (stew) will grow hair on |
(i) a sore backside. |
(9) He'll catch fire faster than |
(j) the wrong possum. |
(10) Tighter than the feathers on |
(k) a prairie chicken's rump. |
(11) You went and treed yourself |
(l) my saddle. |
(12) Safer than chitlins |
(m) a city folk's supper plate. |
(13) My tail bone's gonna take root to |
(n) the pimple on your nose. |
(14) Knee high to |
(o) your elbows. |
(15) Hot enough to fry |
(p) the nose on a newborn calf. |
(16) Smoother than |
(q) a dog's got hairs on his back. |
(17) Got more friends than |
(r) a horseshoe. |
(18) (He) draws trouble like |
(s) a summer melon draws
flies. |
(19) (I) feel better than |
(t) a boll weevil on a corn cob. |
(20) Sit there like |
(h) a bird's egg with a balpene hammer. |
1d, 2n, 3a, 4u, 5b, 6g, 7i, 8o, 9f, 10k, 11j, 12m, 13l, 14f, 15r,
16p, 17q, 18s, 19h, 20t |
I'll be |
a jug full of red ants. |
I'll get after you like |
any one thing. |
He ain't got the gumption to pound sand for |
ugly on an ape. |
I'll get onto you like |
the clear blue sky. |
How'd you like to be gatherin' eggs and find her in |
a rat hole. |
The more a fellers got on his mind, the less time he's got to think on |
the nest |
You catch a Haggen in a lie and a streak of lightening will hit you from |
a lop eared mule. |
Sore as a |
a boil. |
Hotter than |
thunder after lightnin'. |
Bleedin' like |
the liberty bell. |
I thumped him 'till his ears rang like |
frogs hair. |
Fine as |
a parson's Sunday parlor. |
Quiet as on cotton on |
a stuck hog. |
Crookeder than |
a wet sack on a slab |
Naked as |
a dog's hind leg. |
`yer taters. |
Quiet as |
a picked prairie chicken. |
Like a sidewinder in the hands of |
a cottontail. |
Hold |
a mouse tip toeing |
1g, 2i, 3e, 4c, 5f, 6b, 7d, 8h, 9a, 10m, 11j, 12k, 13r, 14o, 15q, 16n, 17s, 19p |
1. You look like |
(a) a particle. |
2. You learn a thing a day |
(b) wet. |
3. That don't hurt |
(c) a sow's bed. |
4. If you don't call, then you don't see |
(d) you git bit. |
5. Folks that believe in signs himself out
of the
creek don't never get themselves |
(e) a sunfish who flopped |
6. I made a bigger mess than |
(g) you store up smart. |
7. Ain't you startin' to itch before |
(h) the brim of his hat. |
8. He can't see past |
(i) a wagon load full of cobs. |
9. Easier than |
(j) an old toad |
10. Pooch up like |
(k) a June morning. |
11. Rougher than |
(l) a grass hopper in a hen house. |
12. No more chance than |
(m) a gagged gopher. |
13. Flatter than |
(n) a snake though a ringer. |
14. I loved that boy like |
(o) a preacher's kids |
15. Tighter than |
(p) on a cold January night. |
16. Quieter than |
(q) the hand. |
17. Sincere as at a $5 funeral. |
(p) an undertaker's brief |
Answers: 1e, 2g, 3a, 4q, 5b,
6c, 7d, 8h, 9f, 10j, 11i, 12l, 13n, 14k, 15o, 16m, 17p |

These words are used by
Festus. Match them on the right with their meaning. One
of the
answers is used twice.
(1) slovering droops |
(a) mouth |
(2) scutter |
(b) the central point |
(3) featherfoot |
(c) handsome |
(4) slackjaw |
(d) a cattle disease |
(5) tater trap |
(e) a phony doctor |
(6) quack - quack |
(f) relieve from duty |
(7) looksome |
(g) walk |
(8) nub |
(h) grab |
(9) amble |
(i) spiritual |
(10) palaver |
(j) ill tempered |
(11) soulsome |
(k) talk |
(12) glom |
(l) overly sensitive |
(13) spell |
(m) listen |
(14) squeemy |
(n) bag |
(15) passle |
(o) introducing |
(16) poke |
(p) old man |
(17) grump head |
(q) sneak |
(18) bent ear |
(r) vast quantities |
(19) twistee |
(s) tornado |
(20) howdyin' |
(t) hit |
(21) pooch |
(u) puff up |
(22) whomp |
(v) throat |
(23) slippery gee-jaw |
(w) snicker |
(24) snigger |
(x) lie |
(25) goosler |
(y) complex |
(26) palotsome |
(aa) delicious |
(27) complexicated |
(bb) whisky |
(28) there's a pot a brewin' |
(29) wobble water |
Answers: 1d, 2p, 3q, 4k,
5a, 6e, 7c, 8b, 9g, 10k, 11i, 12h, 13f, 14l, 15r, 16n, 17j,
18m, 19s, 20o, 21u, 22t, 23x, 24w, 25v, 26aa, 27y, 28z, 29bb
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