Matt Dillon
- Was the character of Matt Dillon fictional?
- Did Dillon ever shoot anyone down in cold blood?
Yes ... only in the early episodes and then only when there
was no other option
- Did Dillon ever tell a lie?
Yes. many times. He even lied about his age to get his first
deputy's job.
- How does Dillon like his steak cooked?
Rare (of course)
- Where did Dillon sleep when in Dodge City.
On a cot in the Marshal's Office. So did Chester.
- Did anyone ever outdraw Dillon in a fair fight?
Yes, quite a few times...even on the first television episode
- In early episodes of Gunsmoke, to what remote place did Dillon
go to think, reflect and ponder?
Boot Hill, Dodge City's cemetery
- The early episodes of Gunsmoke begin with Dillon on a Dodge
City street in a showdown with a bad man. Who fires first?
The bad man
- A church is visible behind this bad man Dillon shot every
- According to Dillon, he never hanged anyone.
True. ``I don't hang anyone.
The law does".
- What did Dillon call his horse?
This is a trick question.
Matt Dillon rode a number of horses during
the twenty years Gunsmoke
was on the air. In "The
Bullet: Part 1 Festus calls Matt's horse Buck.
Another horse, pictured below, is named Marshal.

more information about the name of Matt Dillon's horse, click
on the picture.
- The only Gunsmoke introduction not showing Dillon in a showdown
shows him riding on a running horse. Where is he in such a hurry
to get to?
This scene is taken from a Gunsmoke two-part episode entitled
Nitro. Dillon is riding to save actor David Canary from blowing
himself up while extracting nitro from dynamite. He doesn't make
it by the way. Canary played ranch hand Candy on Bonanza for
a number of years and, interestingly, claims to be descended
from the old west's Calamity Jane whose real name was Martha
Jane Canary.
- Gunsmoke half hour black and white episodes were aired over
CBS and are currently syndicated under the name Marshal
Dillon. Are the same introductions used as were used for the original
No... Dillon is in a show down, but it's different than the
ones used on Gunsmoke. For one thing, we see Dillon first from
the front. Different theme music is also used.
- When Matt captured a wanted outlaw, what percentage of the
reward was he given?
- Dillon was a United States Marshal. Was this position elected
or appointed?
- The agency for which Dillon worked was
- Dillon did not have jurisdiction over Indian affairs.
True...this was the responsibility of the Army
- How many notches has Matt Dillon carved in his gun? a reminder that he killed a friend.
- Dillon's favorite phrase to yell at fleeing bad guys was
- ``Stop in the name of the
- ``Hold it".
- ``Give it up".
- ``Please stop running".
Answer: ... ``Hold it".
- When making a point, Dillon commonly prefaced his statement
with the phrase
- ``Mark my words".
- ``Listen to me".
- ``You can count on this".
- ``I'm going to make a point
Answer:... listen to me
- Dillon wore a two-gun holster.
- Did Dillon know by heart the official oath to be taken by
those he swore in as Deputy United States Marshals?
- Kitty's nick name for Dillon was
- pizza man.
- cowboy.
- stud.
- Nick.
Answer:... Cowboy Marshal Mark Handlin, Marshal Josh Stryker and to
Adam Kimbro. He was a deputy Marshal in Dodge, Hays City and
San Antonio. Later, Kimbro was Dillon's deputy. He died with
his badge on.
- Was Dillon ever a full time sheriff?
- In what sport did Dillon participate during his time in the
- Dillon once fought the former heavyweight bare knuckle boxing
champion of the world. Did Dillon win?
- For the first decade of its airing, the first part of Dillon's
anatomy to appear on the television screen each week was his
- As a youth, Dillon cowboyed for
- the 3-Bar.
- the Double- Cross.
- the Skewed S.
- the Lazy S.
Answer: ... The 3-Bar
- Does Dillon know Morse code?
- Could Dillon communicate to the Souix Indians in their own
- Could Dillon communicate to the Cheyenne Indians in their
own language?
- Could Dillon communicate to the Commanchie Indians in their
own language?
- Could Dillon communicate to the Cleveland Indians in their
own language?
No ... baseball was not yet popular.
- In order to always have the edge in a gun fight, Dillon is
always careful to wear coats that do not cover his holster.

- Dillon only drank beer because whisky slowed down his draw.
- For purposes of costume continuity, Dillon always wore the
same salmon colored shirt and off white Levis.
False ... usually but
not always. The mostly continuing wardrobe of a yellow
buck skin vest, light tan Levis and a tan hat were
used to minimize wardrobe
continuity problems from shoot to shoot.
- Where did Dillon
In his office
- Did Arness ever appear in an episode of Gunsmoke naked from
the waist up?
No ... he was always covered by a shirt or blanket
- Did Dillon ever wear pajamas?
Yes ... he was shown wearing them in a show. More typically,
Dillon was shown sleeping in his clothes or long johns.
- What are the fewest words ever spoken by Dillon in an episode
of Gunsmoke?
One ... at the end of the
show he queried "Festus?"
- Possibly motivated by The Fugitive television series, Dillon
was known to use the alias Matt Kimble.
- What does Dillon do when he crosses over the border to Mexico?
Takes off his badge