From Mud to Guppies

by Robert J. Marks II

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108. From Mud to Guppies

From mud to guppies
     Green frogs
          Brown plague rats
          To bats
     To cats with saber teeth
Mutate to monkey men
     Out kin
     To sin
To judges saying that right can be wrong.

     Are we mud?
     Are we mud?
     Are we mud?
     Are we mud?
     Are we mud?
     Are we all made of mud?

Darwin to Nietzshe
          Sanger to
     Doctor Kevorkian
Communist purges
     Partial birth
To athiests saying that wrong is all right.




 We're not mud!
     We're not mud!
     We're not mud!
     We're not mud!
     We're not mud!
     We are not made of mud!

From God to Adam
          David to
     To the baptizer John
To Jesus the Christ
God's word and spirit for all right and wrong.

     God made us!
     God made us!
     God made us!
     God made us!
     God made us!
     God made us!
     God made us all!

     God loves us!
     God loves us!
     God loves us!
     God loves us!
     Christ saves us!
     Christ saves us!
     Jesus is Lord!
          Jesus is Lord!


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