Removal of Robert Marks's Web Site: Media
Media Coverage for 2007

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Files are prefixed with the date of posting, i.e. 070911 means 2007 on September 11.   Doing an "alphabetical" list then places the articles in chronological order. The tag "UD" is for Uncommon Descent BLOG, "Discovery" denotes the Discovery Institute, and BLOG denotes one of many other Blogs that have addressed the isssue.

  1. 070602 (UD) Robert Marks’s Evolutionary Informatics Lab
  2. 070701 (UD) Sal Cordova goes to school
  3. 070701 (BLOG) Weird Situation at Baylor Gets Weirder
  4. 070705 (BLOG) Informatics Lab Grows
  5. 070712 (UD) Paper and Website: “The Jesus Tomb Math”
  6. 070720 (Discovery) Casey Luskin interviews Robert Marks
  7. 070720 (Discovery) Podcast (MP3)
  8. 070720 (UD) Casey Luskin interviews Robert Marks concerning his new Evolutionary Informatics Lab
  9. 070722 (Discovery) William Dembski Addresses Forthcoming Intelligent Design Research that Advances ID and Answers Critics
  10. 070821 (Expelled) BLOG from "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed"
  11. 070823 (BLOG) Baylor plays fair on ID-supporting research
  12. 070825 (World Magazine) Crisis Averted [pdf].
  13. 070825 (BLOG) Baylor easing up on Intelligent Design advocates
  14. 070828 (BLOG) Do It On Your Own Time
  15. 070901 (UD) Baptist University pulls plug on Evolutionary Informatics Lab - links to intelligent design fatal
  16. 070902 (BLOG) R.J. Marks II EXPELLED?
  17. 070903 (UD) Backgrounder to Robert Marks’s lab shutdown: Baylor revokes Dembski’s research fellowship 2006
  18. 070904 (UD) Chronicle of Higher Education reports on Evo-Info Lab controversy
  19. 070904 (BLOG) Baylor’s Evolutionary Informatics lab shutdown
  20. 070904 (BLOG) A funny thing happened on the way to the laboratory:
  21. 070904 (BLOG) More ID Controversy at Baylor
  22. 070904 (PZ Meyers BLOG) Baylor episode is getting wider circulation
  23. 070904 (BLOG) Another example of Atheists, er, Baptists against ID
  24. 070905 (Discovery) Academic Freedom Expelled from Baylor University
  25. 070905 (Baptist Press) I.D. rift hits Baylor again.
  26. 070905 (UD) Baptist News reports on the Evo-Info Lab Controversy
  27. 070905 (BLOG)  Academic Freedom Expelled from Baylor University
  28. 070905 (UD) Baylor Public Relations on Marks Evo-Info Lab in Free Fall
  29. 070905 (BLOG) Southern Baptist In NC
  30. 070905 (BLOG) Intelligent Design Causes Problems a Baylor . . . Again
  31. 070906 (Discovery) Baylor University Denies Research Scientist's Academic Freedom
  32. 070906 (UD) Baylor’s Main Argument Against the Evo-Info Lab — Reply to Lori Fogleman
  33. 070906 (BLOG)  Baylor University Denies Research Scientists' Academic Freedom
  34. 070906 (BLOG) Updating Robert Marks and Baylor
  35. 070906 (BLOG) Academic Freedom at Baylor University?
  36. 070906 (UD) Discovery Institute Issues Press Statement Concerning Evo-Info Lab
  37. 070907 (Discovery) Baylor University Attacks Scientists for Questioning Evolution
  38. 070907 (Discovery) Podcast (MP3 file)
  39. 070907 (BLOG) Un-Sternberg-able
  40. 070907 (The Church Report) Baylor U. Shuts Down Prof's ID Website
  41. 070907 (ICS) Baylor University: Stifling Academic Freedom?
  42. 070908 ( pdf ) Intelligent Design rears its ugly head at Baylor AGAIN!
  43. 070908 (UD) Of Groups and Labs at Baylor
  44. 070908 (BLOG) Baylor University Shuts Down Professor's Private Site for Challenging Evolution
  45. 070908 (BLOG pdf ) I.D. rift hits Baylor again; DrudgeRetort
  46. 070908 (BLOG) With Friends like Dembski (again)
  47. 070909 (Waco Tribune | pdf) Web site sparks new intelligent design battle at BU.
  48. 070909 (UD) The Great Escape: A tribute to Bob Marks [pdf]
  49. 070909 (Discovery) Baylor University Accused of Viewpoint Discrimination in Suppression of Pro-Intelligent Design Scientist
  50. 070909 (Discovery) ibid.  Inset
  51. 070909 (BLOG) 3rd Strike for Baylor.
  52. 070909 (UD) PZ Myers supports academic freedom for Marks
  53. 070909 (UD) Baylor Academic Discrimination Crisis Makes Sunday Front Page of Waco-Trib
  54. 070910 (Panda's Thumb ) Another definition of ID
  55. 070910 (Syracruse Student Paper | pdf) Baylor forces professor to shut down site .
  56. 070910 (UD) “Baylor Forces Professor to Shut Down Site”
  57. 070911 (UD) Baylor, Marks, Faust, and Selling One’s Soul
  58. 070911 (Baylor Student Newspaper) | pdf) New intelligent design conflict hits BU .
  59. 070911 (UD)  Only “Approved Research” on our site! — And who gives approval?
  60. 070911 (UD)  So where ARE the Friends of Robert Marks? Of intellectual freedom at Baylor?
  61. 070912 (Discovery) Where's Sharon Begley When We Need Her?
  62. 070913 (UD) MEDIA COVERAGE: Baylor, Robert Marks, and the Evolutionary Informatics Lab
  63. 070913 (Baylor Student Newspaper | pdf) Let academic freedom ring
  64. 070914 (UD) Baylor closes ranks, defends Darwin against all lines of evidence
  65. 070914 (Baylor Student Newspaper | pdf) Editorial: BU opens old wounds with Marks
  66. 070914 (BLOG) Evolutionary Informatics lab
  67. 070914 (Discovery) So, now everyone in Times Square knows about Expelled too
  68. 070914 (UD) The Baylor Board of Regents
  69. 070914 (BLOG) The Robert Marks Academic Freedom Case at Baylor
  70. 070914 (BLOG) EIL Grows Again
  71. 070915 (UD) MEDIA COVERAGE — FIRST WAVE: Baylor, Robert Marks, and the EvoInfo Lab
  72. 070914 (BLOG) Can Intelligent Design and Academic Freedom Co-exist?
  73. 070915 (World Magazine | pdf ) Not so fast .
  74. 070915 (Creation Institute) Baylor University: Stifling Academic Freedom?
  75. 070915 (Answers In Genesis) News to Note 2
  76. 070916 (Christianity Today )  Baylor takes down faculty member's Intelligent Design webpage
  77. 070916 (BLOG)  UD Invites Readers to Write to the Board of Regents at Baylor
  78. 070916 (Panda's Thumb) How do evolutionary processes create information?
  79. 070917 ( The Unpardonable Sin in Academia
  80. 070917 (BLOG) A Glance at the Work of Dembski and Marks
  81. 070917 (The Michigan Daily) INTELLIGENT WEB DESIGN
  82. 070918 (Emory U. Student Paper)  Reprint of Lariat Article: "Baylor U. Takes Intelligent Design Website."
  83. 070918 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )   BU administration silencing science by design
  84. 070919 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )   ID debate to continue in new film
  85. 070919 (UD)  “Expelled: The Movie” attempts to interview Baylor President John Lilley
  86. 070919 (UD)  Walt Ruloff op-ed on academic suppression at Baylor — “Does the Baylor administration believe in God?”
  87. 070919 (Discovery) Expelled Filmmakers Want to Talk to Baylor President About University's Crackdown on ID Scientists
  88. 070919 (BLOG) Intelligent Design Researcher Censored
  89. 070919 (Baylor Fans pdf) Clarification on the Intelligent Design Issue
  90. 070919 (Baylor Fans pdf) Intelligent Design at Baylor - Again
  91. 070920 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf ) Editorial: Lilley's two cents are missing
  92. 070920 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf ) Baylor right in Marks debacle
  93. 070920 (UD) “President Lilley has laryngitis”
  94. 070920 (BLOG) Baylor takes Lilley to task
  95. 070921 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf ) ID talks fail to satisfy
  96. 070921 (Waco Tribune | pdf ) Film crew presses Baylor officials on intelligent design Web site's removal
  97. 070921 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )  More than enough time for ID (Letter to the Editor)
  98. 070921 (UD)  Baylor President John Lilley Responds
  99. 070921 (UD) MEDIA COVERAGE 2: Baylor, Robert Marks, and the EvoInfo Lab
  100. 070921 (Discovery) Baylor President Stays Mum on University's Suppression of Intelligent Design
  101. 070921 (Baylor Fans) Lilley still won't talk in public about it
  102. 070921 (Baylor Fans) Lilley will talk about ID in private!
  103. 070921 (BLOG) "Thou Shalt Put No Other Gods Before Darwin"
  104. 070922 (UD) Real Simulations, Cartoon Simulations, and Evolutionary Informatics
  105. 070924 (Waco Tribune | pdf )  Gary Ramsey, guest column: Call it censorship at Baylor
  106. 070924 (Discovery) Op-ed in Waco Paper Highlights Baylor Univeristy Censorship of Intelligent Design Website
  107. 070924 (BLOG) Creationist Mini-Museum to Come to Wisconsin Dells
  108. 070925 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )   Baylor betraying its mission
  109. 070925 (UD) Why Bob Marks’s lab got trashed
  110. 070925 (Discovery) Troubling Signs at Baylor University
  111. 070925 (Discovery)  Podcast (MP3)
  112. 070927 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )  Evidence clear for evolution
  113. 070927 (New York Times)  Scientists Feel Miscast in Film on Life’s Origin
  114. 070927 (Discovery)  New York Times' Cornelia Dean: Wrong on Evolution, Intelligent Design and Expelled
  115. 070928 (BLOG) Baylor University
  116. 070928 ( Breakpoint | pdf ) Victims of Scientific Orthodoxy .
  117. 070928 (UD) Futility 101
  118. 070928 (Expelled) BLOG from "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed"
  119. 070929 (UD) World Net Daily on “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”
  120. 071001 (Discovery)  Credibility Gap: Baylor Denies Robert Marks’ Situation Has Anything to do with Intelligent Design
  121. 071001 (BLOG) Who is Anti-Science?
  122. 071001 (Texas Insider)  Et Tu, Baylor U?
  123. 071002 (Baylor Student Paper | pdf )  Editorial: Lilley, Lariat striving for effectiveness.
  124. 071002 (UD)  Apology to Baylor Administration and Regents
  125. 071002 (UD)  Banned Books Week - at least one dinosaur survived after all
  126. 071003 (Waco Tribune | pdf ) Editorial: Free to speak, free to read .
  127. 071003 (Discovery) Banned Item of the Year: Dr. Robert Marks’ Evolutionary Informatics Website
  128. 071003 (World Net Daily) Darwin challenged, research censored. Christian university removes professor's website, data from public view .
  129. 071003 (KSLR)  Baylor University, to their shame, has censored the web pages of a professor who discussed "Intelligent Design" as the explanation for our origin instead of Darwinian evolution. Attorney John Gilmore joins me.
  130. 071004 (BLOG)  Turns out there were other similar episodes by Baylor University.
  131. 071004 (BLOG)  Free speech? Not for you because you're wrong .
  132. 071004 (BLOG)  Darwin challenged, research censored.
  133. 071004 (BLOG)  Speaking of "Expelled," a Scientist is Censored .
  134. 071005 (CBN) Christian University Sides with Evolutionists.
  135. 071005 (BLOG) The Inmates Running the Asylum.
  136. 071005 (The Brites Parody ) From Whence Evolutionary Informatics? .
  137. 071007 (Waco Tribune | pdf | Unedited pdf ) John Hugh Gilmore, guest column: Mob rule, not academic freedom, at Baylor.
  138. 071007 (BLOG) Comment on "John Hugh Gilmore".
  139. 071008 (Waco Tribune | pdf ) Darwin As a Sacred Cow.
  140. 071008 (BLOG) Intellectual Insecurity at Baylor.
  141. 071009 ( UD | pdf ) When you want the approval of people whose approval you should NOT want
  142. 071009 (BLOG) The Baylor ID vs Evolution Controversy.
  143. 071012 (Discovery) Lucky for Koonin, he doesn't teach at Baylor.
  144. 071012 ( One News Now | pdf )   Attorney accuses Baylor Univ. of viewpoint discrimination.
  145. 071016 (Discovery) Banned Item of the Year.
  146. 071016 (The Brites Parody) Bayler Professor Protests Removal of Web Site.
  147. 071021_( | pdf ) Menggoyang Teori Evolusi, Situs Internet Profesor Dibrangus (Indonesia) .
  148. 071023 (The OReilly Factor) Ben Stein on Expelled
  149. 071031 (Expelled) $40,000 tuition and salary .
  150. 071113 (BLOG) Comments on Active Information
  151. 071116 (Baylor Lariat | Newspaper Layout) BU had role in Dembski return .  . [Note: Stealth = keeping away from the career destroyers and media.  The matter was open at Baylor.]
  152. 071116 (UD) Baylor Lariat asks for vote on intelligent design . 
  153. 071116 (Discovery) New Report Exposes Sham of Academic Freedom at Baylor University .
  154. 071127 (Baylor Lariat | Newspaper Layout) Editorial: Disclosure lacking in ID dispute . .
  156. 071208 (World Net Daily ) Lawsuit claims job tied to faith in natural selection: Researcher sues over dismissal because he didn't `believe' 
  158. 071227 (Access Research Network  1  |  2  |  3  ).  Top 10 Darwin and Design News Stories for 2007 .

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