I claim this the world record Erdős-Bacon number for engineers.
[ Wikpedia: Bacon-Erdos Number ]
My Erdös Number is THREE

1. Robert J. Marks II coauthored with Donald C. Wunsch.
◦ D.C. Wunsch II, R.J. Marks II, T.P. Caudell and C.D. Capps, “Limitations of a class of binary phase-only filters,”
Applied Optics, vol. 31, no.26. pp.5681-5687 (1992).
◦ D.C. Wunsch II, T.P. Caudell, C.D. Capps, R.J. Marks II and R. A. Falk, ”An optoelectronic implementation of the
adaptive resonance neural network,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.4, no.4, pp.673-684 (1993).
2. Donald C. Wunsch coauthored with Frank Harary.
◦ Frank Harary, Meng-Hiot Lim, Amit Agarwal, Donald C. Wunsch, “Algorithms for derivation of structurally stable Hamiltonian signed graphs,” Int. J. Comput. Math. 81(11): 1349-1356 (2004)
3. Frank Harary coauthored with Paul Erdös.
◦ Paul Erdös, Frank Harary and W.T. Tutte, “On the dimension of a graph,” Mathematika 12 (1965) pp.118-122
◦ Paul Erdös, Frank Harary and M. Klawe, “Residually-Complete- Graphs,” Annals of Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 6, pp 117- 123 (1980).
My Kevin Bacon Number is TWO
Robert J. Marks, II appeared in Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed with Ben Stein
Ben Stein appeared in Planes, Trains and Automobiles with Kevin Bacon
IMDb Data:
Therefore, my Erdös - Bacon Number sum is FIVE
I stole this idea from Professor Donald Wunsch who has an Erdös Number of two and who offered to appear as an extra in a Kevin Bacon Movie. That would give him a Erdös - Bacon Number sum of three and tie him for first place for all time and win him top honors for engineers. Don is still waiting to hear from Kevin. When he does, I will immediately (albeit reluctantly) surrender my crown.